Personal Data Access:

Individuals can now be granted full editing access or limited read only access to their own personal data throughout the database.

Control Panels:

A common feature used to specify report parameters throughout the database is the control panel. The control panel allows the user to ...

  • Select the start and end date of the report
  • Specify general groups of individuals to be included in the report, e.g. active members, inactive members or staff
  • Apply custom "tag" filters that enable fine tuning of your report content
  • Group and summarize results by varioius parameters
  • Select a specific report format
  • Hide report notes or details

In addition, control panels frequently present information regarding the status of data critical to the completeness of your report.

Tag Filtering:

Tag filtering is a powerful feature integrated into all aspects of the Appilistic database. User defined tags can be created and linked to any person or people entered into the database. Your tags can then be used as specialized filters, allowing you to create reports that include only individuals that have been associated with a specific tag.

Potential uses for this technique are limited only by your imagination. You might …:

  • Create a newsletter subscription list, then print out mailing labels only for those subscribed;
  • Create community mailing lists for special events;
  • Track donors and distribute emails or mailings as part of fundraising drives;
  • Track registered voters and distribute targeted “get out the vote” communications;
  • Define job skill tags. Create tag resumes by tagging individuals that possess each specific skill. Then, search for individuals possessing a specific skill by running a list of names report, filtered by the appropriate tag;
  • Create day-of-the-week tags, assign them to individuals attending your facility on specific days of the week, then print filtered day-by-day sign in sheets containing only the names of those likely to attend.
  • Or, generate reports that include data only for a specific subset of your facility population, such as your homeless or youth populations;

User Definable Pull Down Menus:

Virtually every pull down menu in the Clubhouse Database is now user definable. This is just one of the ways that you can now customize the database to make it fit your needs.